viernes, 22 de mayo de 2009

Road the Catarpe

Singular ravine of historial and, anthropoligical interest pukacara Quitor,and the ruins of Catarpe are found here This Inca redoubt is in highest part of the ravine from where the tourist can contemplase the valley

jueves, 21 de mayo de 2009

Quebrada De Jere.

This full of contrast zone presents beautiful. places,such as jere ravine.Even though it surrounded. by desert dunes,jere ravine has pretty orchards .thas are watered by a brook of refresting and sweet water.

Vicuñas a 4.000 metros de altura encuentran su alimento

miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2009

Valley of the moon

The lack of animal life and vegetation make of the moon valley one of the most driest place in the world...

Camino al valle de la muerte o de marte

martes, 19 de mayo de 2009

Entrada al Valle de la Muerte

Una panoramica vista de la entrada al Valle de la Muerte, tambien conocido como Valle de Marte

Las Caras del Desierto

En el Pukara de Quitor, en San Pedro de Atacama, se erije esta impresionante mascara.